Striving to Love God, His Word, and His People.

Our Vision at Sycamore Baptist Church is: To Take You from Come, Worship & Connect; To Go and Serve in Christ. Our vision is based on the mission Jesus gave us: To go into all the world making disciples (Matt. 28).


We believe Disciples are those who follow Jesus in Loving God, Loving Others, Serving the World, Spreading the Gospel and bringing others along to do the same.

Come and Worship (Love God)

Our Main Worship Service is where you will initially Come and Worship. Our service is designed to help you grow and follow Jesus in your love for God by teaching you who God is, what He does, and how He sacrificed for you.

Stay and Connect (Love Others)

As you follow Jesus and grow in your Love for God you should be motivated to Love Others.

To help you grow in your love for others, we encourage all our regular attenders and members to Stay and Connect with others through our Sunday School ministry, as well as through our Children’s, Youth, Men’s ministries. Our hope is that these groups will help you build and deepen your love for one another as you learn God’s Word together, pray for and visit with one another.

Go and Serve (Serve the World, Spread the Gospel)

As you follow Jesus and grow in your Love for God and Others you should be motivated to Go and Serve.

To help you serve others, we encourage you to join one of our service teams, which provide opportunities for you to serve our church and community.

To help you grow in spreading the gospel, we encourage you to see yourself as a missionary in your own community. Spreading the gospel, then, is not an event or team we are calling you to, rather it is a lifestyle.

Bring Others Along With You

As disciples, we are called to make disciples. In order to complete our mission: To go into all the world making disciples, we encourage you to bring others along with you as you work through the process yourself. Bring others to our main worship service, bring others to the groups you attend, bring others with you as you serve the community and spread the gospel.

Discipleship Process