Striving to Love God, His Word, and His People.

Posts from April 2015

Eat the Word for Breakfast

Every Friday morning at 6:30am for the last two years our men’s group has gathered at IHOP for breakfast and Bible study. The Plan – One Chapter When we get together, our plan is to cover one chapter in God’s Word. As we cover that chapter, we work to understand what it means and how…

On Being Apart of God's Grand Drama

The Reformer’s Cry

Ecclesia reformata, semper reformanda, secundum verbum Dei – The church reformed and always being reformed according to God’s Word. Question for Reflection Do you realize God’s Word and Spirit are always reforming His church by renewing, transforming, and changing us? Resource Image

On Being Apart of God's Grand Drama

Jesus’ Call to Return

Church discipline is not just “clearing the membership roll” as if the point were primarily accuracy in bookkeeping. Neither is church discipline designed to be a punishment, as if the church were saying, “We don’t want your kind around here.” Yes, the church speaks of this stage of discipline as the delivering of one to…

Are You Using God?

Every week, I meet with a group of guys at IHOP for breakfast, coffee, and Bible study. For the last year, we have been working chapter by chapter through the Minor Prophets. It has been a fruitful study! We are currently in the book of Zechariah, so we are almost finished. When we came together this…