Striving to Love God, His Word, and His People.

Eat the Word For Breakfast

Every Friday morning at 6:30am for the last two years I have gathered with a group of men at IHOP for breakfast and Bible study.

The Plan – One Chapter

When we get together, our plan is to cover one chapter in God’s Word. As we cover that chapter, we work to understand what it means and how it applies to our lives, church, and culture. We don’t use any particular studies, nor is anyone designated as the teacher. We are all responsible for reading and studying ahead of time, and participating in the conversation. I was first introduced to this concept through David Helm’s book One to One Bible Reading.

The Effect – Changed Lives

The method is simple, but it has been effective. Over the last two years we have covered most of the New Testament and almost all the Minor Prophets. During that time, not only has our knowledge of God’s Word and ability to interpret Scripture grown, but our minds have been renewed, our hearts transformed, and our actions corrected. As well as our relationships have grown, giving us the ability to encourage and help one another work through difficult situations and sin that the Word has exposed.

As I have watched this happen over the last couple of years, and particularly as I have recently been thinking about the changes that have taken place, I am reminded of the Cry of the Reformers

The church reformed and always being reformed according to God’s Word.

While I have always known God’s Word changes lives. Experiencing it in my life and the lives of others has given me an even greater confidence to stand with the Reformers of years past in calling for a return to and the primacy of God’s Word in our lives and churches.

The Encouragement – Eat the Word for Breakfast

Knowing the effect our gathering has had on our lives, I encourage you to do the same. Get together with a few people in your church and community and eat the Word for breakfast.

Question for Reflection

  1. How has consistently studying God’s Word changed your life and the lives of those around you?



David Helm One to One Bible Reading