Striving to Love God, His Word, and His People.

10 Reason We Should Regularly Gather with the Church

Yesterday was the Lord’s Day, the day we gather as a church in worship. As a pastor, I always look forward to Sundays. Not only do I get to preach, but I also have the opportunity to praise God alongside others, and watch how the Lord will use our fellowship for His glory.

As Christians, we should all desire to gather together with one another as often as possible. To motivate you to regularly gather, here are 10 reasons gathering with the church is important.

10 Reason We Should Regularly Gather with the Church

(1) To be obedient to God’s command (Heb. 10:23-25).

(2) To be equipped for the work of ministry (Eph. 4:11-14).

(3) To have our minds renewed through the preaching of the Word (Rom. 12:1-2).

(4) To employ our spiritual gifts for the benefit of the church (1 Cor. 12).

(5) To evangelize the watching world through our love for one another (John 13:35).

(6) To be held accountable by other mature brothers and sisters in the Lord (Acts 18:24-26).

(7) To be discipled by older, godly men and women (Titus 2:2-6),

(8) To ease the mind of your shepherd, so he is not worrying about your soul (Heb. 13:17).

(9) To grow in our faith of the Lord Jesus Christ as we are taught His Word (1 Pet. 2:2).

(10) To be encouraged to persevere in the faith by other believers (Heb. 3:12-14).

Question for Reflection

  1. Can you think of other reasons we should regularly gather as a church?



For more information see A Sample Statement on Regular Church Attendance